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June 20, 2005
Brunswik Society

The Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Brunswik Society will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on November 10-11, 2005. This years conference will be held at the Sheraton Centre Hotel.
Call for Papers and Participation:
The 21st Annual International Meeting of the Brunswik Society will be held on Thursday and Friday, November 10-11, 2005 Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The program begins at 1:00 on Thursday afternoon, and ends at 5:30 on Friday. We invite proposals for papers on your recent research and panel discussions on any theoretical or empirical/applied topic related to Egon Brunswik's philosophy and paradigm. Please send a brief abstract (50 words), and indicate whether the paper/discussion is theoretical or empirical, to Jim Holzworth by Friday, July 17th. Kindly respect this submission due date. The organizing committee is: Jim Holzworth (holz@uconn.edu), Mandeep K. Dhami (mkdhami@uvic.ca), Elise Weaver (eweaver@WPI.EDU), and Tom Stewart (t.stewart@albany.edu).
The meeting is held concurrently with the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting and just before the Judgment and Decision Society meeting. As planning for the meeting progresses, information and updates will be posted here and on the Brunswik email list. Registration (Deadline November 1, 2005): Please register in advance so we can estimate attendance. You may register online or by email (info@brunswik.org), telephone (518-442-3850), or fax (518-442-3398). The registration fee, due November 1, is $100 US or $125 Canadian. Students may register for $40 US or $50 Canadian. The fee includes the continental breakfast and lunch on Friday.
Checks should be payable to "Brunswik Society" and sent to:
The Brunswik Society
c/o Tom Stewart
Center for Policy Research
135 Western Ave. Milne 300
Albany, NY 12222
The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto
123 Queen Street West, Toronto, Canada
Phone (416) 361-1000
Fax (416) 947-4854
If you call for a reservation, say you are with the Psychonomic Society. Arrangements for the Brunswik Society meeting are made through the Psychonomic Society.
Posted by DSN at June 20, 2005 05:38 PM