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February 13, 2005
Computer-savvy postdoc wanted @ Columbia
ADDENDUM: This post has been filled, 4/2005.

Columbia University’s Center for the Decision Sciences anticipates hiring a computer-savvy postdoctoral Associate Director for a period of one to two years, with a starting date of August 2005. The Associate Director will carry out research, coordinate a year-long speaker series, administer the Center and run the CDS Online Virtual Laboratory server.
The Center for the Decision Sciences at Columbia University is directed by Professors Eric Johnson, David Krantz, and Elke Weber and includes researchers from psychology, marketing, management, medicine, law and beyond. Please visit the website for more information: http://cebiz.org/cds
This position is open to candidates with excellent computer skills and training in cognitive psychology or related disciplines who have recently earned their Ph.D., or who are expecting their degree in 2005 on a topic relevant to the psychology of decision making.
The candidate should be comfortable running a Linux Web server as well as coding HTML and dynamic scripting languages such as PHP and JavaScript. Experience with SQL, databases, SAS and lightweight UNIX systems administration and security is very much recommended but not essential.
One of the current Center foci is a large Preferences as Memory project, which looks at the role of psychological memory processes on the formation of preferences, inferences, and choice. Experience and interest in the psychology of memory would be a large asset.
To apply, please send a CV, two letters of recommendation, up to 3 reprints, and a cover letter describing research interests. In your letter, please describe computer skills, (memory) research expertise, and experience carrying out experimental research.
Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
Applications should be sent to
Daniel Goldstein, Ph.D. Associate Director
Columbia University, Center for the Decision Sciences
420 W. 118th #805A MC3355, New York, NY 10027
Send questions to Dan Goldstein at dgg2101 AT columbia D0T edu
Columbia University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.
Posted by dggoldst at February 13, 2005 04:01 PM