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December 20, 2004
Society for Consumer Psychology 2005 Winter Conference

The Upcoming Society for Consumer Psychology SCP winter conference will be held from Thursday February 24th to Monday the 28th 2005 at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
"The Society for Consumer Psychology represents the interests of behavioral scientists in the fields of psychology, marketing, advertising, communication, consumer behavior, and other related areas. Some members of the Society are mainly interested in generating applied knowledge to solve specific marketing related problems, while others focus on generating basic knowledge to contribute to theoretical and conceptual foundations of consumer psychology. The Society encourages all members to share their knowledge and contribute to the discipline of consumer psychology as a whole through contributions in conferences, journal articles, and book chapters". -From the Society for Consumer Psychology Home Page
To register for the winter conference go to the SCP home page and click on "Winter 2005 SCP Conference Online Registration" or click here to link directly. A preliminary program for the SCP winter conference is availbale here or at the SCP home page.
Conference Chairs:
Anne Brumbaugh, Wake Forest University Home Page
Geraldine R. Henderson, Univerity of Texas at Austin Home Page
Conference Co Chairs:
Amar Cheema, Washington University in St. Louis Home Page
Scott A. Hawkins, University of Toronto Home Page
Joydeep Srivastava, University of Maryland Home Page
Posted by DSN at December 20, 2004 08:28 PM