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September 30, 2004
Upcoming Decision Science Conference

The 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making will be held November 19th to the 22th 2004 at the Millennium Hotel Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The Society for Judgment and Decision Making is an interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of decision. Its members include psychologists, economists, organizational researchers, decision analysts, and other decision researchers. The Society's primary event is its Annual Meeting at which Society members present their research.
The registration form for the 2004 annual meeting is now available! Go to the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Home page and please print out the form. Then mail it to the address given to register. And to members, don't forget to pay your annual dues. You can read the 2004 annual meeting program (PDF format) and a list of posters with abstracts (Excel format). Another listing can be found in the September 2004 SJDM Newsletter.
The Organization Comitte is:
Eric Johnson, President (ejj3@columbia.edu)
Joshua Klayman, Past President (joshk@uchicago.edu)
Maya Bar-Hillel, President-Elect (msmaya@math.huji.ac.il)
Bud Fennema, Secretary-Treasurer (bfennema@garnet.acns.fsu.edu)
Alan Schwartz, Webmaster (alansz@sjdm.org)
Warren Thorngate, Newsletter Editor (warrent@ccs.carleton.ca)
Richard Coughlan, Conference Coordinator (rcoughla@richmond.edu)
Craig Fox, Program Committee Chair (craig.fox@anderson.ucla.edu)
This meeting will be held just after the Brunswik Society 20th Annual International Meeting and the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting.
Posted by DSN at September 30, 2004 01:18 AM